Happy Sunday!
Halloween is getting closer so we thought we'd use the last Sunday before the holiday to share some more fun dress up ideas. Last week we shared some of our favourite alternative Halloween clothing costumes, this week we've decided to show you some inspiration for both classic and a few different Halloween make up looks. Sometimes planning an extravagant costume can be difficult if you're super last minute like S, so these make up looks will be the main part of your look for the night and your costume and can be compiled from clothes you have in your closet.
Broken Doll
Source: Pinterest |
We love this broken doll make up look! It's super simple to create even though it looks complex. For this look you'll need white face paint, black eyeliner, some berry red lipstick and false eyelashes. You can add as much or as little detail as you like for this look, that's why we love it! When S recreated this make up two years ago, she added only one false eyelash to the doll part of the face to make a more obvious contrast and added blue and purple eyeshadow to the broken eye to add a bruised effect. Pair this make up with a tartan dress or collared shirt and skirt to give the typical doll-like effect.
Source: Pinterest |
Being a classic costume choice during Halloween, you can really go to a lot of detail for this look, and the best thing is most of it is achievable with the products already in your make up bag! Using smoky blue and purple toned eyeshadows around the eyes will create a bruised look. Pale your skin using a lighter foundation and powder and add fake blood around your red or plum coloured lips. For more of a dramatic look you can add white or red contact lenses - these really add an extra creepiness to the overall look. Paired your make up with a black outfit of your choice and you've instantly transformed into a vampire!
Poison Ivy
Source: Pinterest |
This is the most detailed make up look in this post, but we couldn't not include it - not only is it stunning but it's a great alternative idea for the holiday. This look will take more time, but look awesome once you're done. You'll need face paint ideally here, or look for some green and dark toned eyeshadows to create the green leaf effect. Green gems along the top of your eyebrow are obviously optional, but add a witchy feel to the look. Pair this outfit with a green dress to complete the look. We would recommend practicing this one beforehand too, it may take a little while to perfect your technique!
Spiders Web
The simplest out of all these make up looks, the classic spider's web only requires black eyeliner along with whatever other make up you want to wear. Simple to do and the most discreet, this look is perfect for someone who doesn't enjoy dressing up too much or going too OTT with her make up. Wear this look with a lace dress to reinforce the webbed, spider idea.
We hope this post will inspire your costume planning! Whether you're dressing up in full costume or adding a discreet Halloween detail to your style for the night, we hope you have a fun and freak-filled time.
S & K xo